Local Development Setup

This guide will help you set up a local development environment for Rates API, allowing you to make changes, test new features, and contribute to the project.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Bun: The JavaScript runtime and package manager used by the project
  • Git: For version control
  • A text editor or IDE: Such as VS Code, WebStorm, etc.

Getting Started

1. Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/simonbetton/ratesapi.nz.git
cd ratesapi.nz

2. Install Dependencies

Using Bun to install dependencies:

bun i

3. Run the Development Server

Start the local development server:

bun run dev

This will start the server at http://localhost:8787. You can access the API and Swagger UI documentation at this URL.

Scraping Data

The project includes scripts to scrape rate data from financial institution websites. These scripts are located in the bin/ directory.

To run a scraper script:

bun run bin/scrape-mortgage-rates.ts

Available scraper scripts:

  • scrape-mortgage-rates.ts: Fetches current mortgage rates
  • scrape-personal-loan-rates.ts: Fetches personal loan rates
  • scrape-car-loan-rates.ts: Fetches car loan rates
  • scrape-credit-card-rates.ts: Fetches credit card rates

The scraped data is stored in the CloudFlare D1 database, allowing for comprehensive historical data management.

CloudFlare D1 Database

The project uses CloudFlare D1, a serverless SQL database built on SQLite, for data storage. This allows for efficient storage and querying of both current and historical rate data.

Local Development with D1

For local development, you’ll need to set up a local D1 database:

# Install Wrangler CLI if not already installed
npm install -g wrangler

# Create a local D1 database
wrangler d1 create ratesapi-data-local

# Apply database schema to local database
wrangler d1 execute ratesapi-data-local --file=./schema.sql --local

Database Schema

The database schema includes tables for:

  • Current rates (mortgage, personal loan, car loan, credit card)
  • Historical time series data
  • Institution information
  • Metadata and audit logs

Development Tips

Project Structure

  • src/: Contains the main application code

    • index.ts: The entry point for the application
    • models/: Data schemas and types
    • routes/: API endpoint handlers
    • lib/: Utility functions and helpers
  • bin/: Scripts for scraping data

  • schema.sql: Database schema definition file

Testing Your Changes

Before submitting changes, make sure to:

  1. Test all affected endpoints locally
  2. Run any necessary data scraper scripts
  3. Ensure the project builds without errors

Common Tasks

  • Add a new endpoint: Create a new route handler in src/routes/
  • Update data models: Modify schemas in src/models/
  • Enhance scrapers: Modify the scraper scripts in bin/